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Spring Webinar for Development Professionals
Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EDT
Category: AISGW Events

Planning & Prioritizing in the Midst of Uncertainty

What is happening? When will things return to normal? What does normal even mean? So many questions and so few answers. COVID-19 has disrupted every facet of our lives. However, you still have a mission and vision to fulfill. You still have students and communities that need you. Change is ever present, so must be our commitment to adjusting and moving forward.

While planning may seem counterintuitive given all of the unknowns, that is precisely the reason that it is so important to plan. Now, more than ever, you need a solid plan in place that provides a roadmap for where you’re headed and ensures that you make informed decisions when you need to change direction.

Join Laurel McCombs for a practical, fast-paced session where she will break down what you need to do now to ensure you have a strong plan in place that can help you and your teams prioritize and take control of your development success.

Laurel McCombs

The program will include a presentation by Laurel McCombs followed by guided breakout sessions.

Important Registration Information:

Participants will receive a Zoom link after they register. There is no fee due at the time of registration. However, each participating school will be assessed a $25.00 charge following the program.

Click Here to Register